Informations utiles

Semi-nonnegative rank for real matrices and its connection to the usual rank.

**Data Mining et Apprentissage Statistique : Applications en Marketing, Banque et Assurance, Editeurs invités : Beninel Farid, Kamal Boukhetala et Jean-Marie Marion , HERMANN EDITIONS

** A Non-parametric Test for Comparing Treatments with Missing Data and Dependent Censoring, A. Mezaouer, K. Boukhetala and J.F. Dupuy, Chapitre 19 de l’ouvrage :
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis
, ouvrage édité à l’honneur de M.S, Nikulin
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis, statistical goodness of fit, stochastic processes for system reliability, amongst others. Many of these are related to the work of Professor M. Nikulin in statistics over the past 30 years. The authors gather together various contributions with a broad array of techniques and results, divided into three parts - Statistical Models and Methods, Statistical Models and Methods in Survival Analysis, and Reliability and Maintenance.
The book is intended for researchers interested in statistical methodology and models useful in survival analysis, system reliability and statistical testing for censored and non-censored data.

** Simulation des Processus de Diffusion, par Prof. K.Boukhetala et Mr. A. Guidoum :
Sim.DiffProc et Sim.DiffProcGui produits informatiques développés sous l’environnement de programmation orientée objet R, sont utiles pour la modélisation simulation des structures, situations ou phénomènes aléatoires de comportement dynamique à caractère diffusif et complexe pouvant engendrer du risque, notamment dans le domaine de la finance et de l’actuariat (Mathématiques Financières) , du génie civil, de la biologie, de l’environnement,...


** Formation d'actuariat en Algérie:


**Socièté Mathématique d’Algérie (SMA)


